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Reflexology is an extremely effective form of foot massage based on the principle that 'reflex points' on the  and feet correspond to each organ and structure in the body and are linked to those organs by energy channels, zones or meridians.

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When illness or imbalance occurs in the body, the corresponding energy channels become blocked and Reflexology Massage is aimed to destroy these blocks, allowing the energy to flow freely again.

Reflexologists regard the feet as a mirror of the body, with the right foot representing the right-hand side of the body and the left foot the left-hand side.

Illnesses, or potential illnesses, are indicated by tender areas on the appropriate reflex points on the feet, reflecting imbalance of the affected organ or organs. By applying reflexology foot massage techniques to these points, the body can be prompted to maximise its own great capacity both to heal itself and to prevent illness.  

Modern reflexology is both a science and an art. As a science, it requires careful study, faithful practice, a sound knowledge of the techniques, and skill. And yet as one of the healing arts, reflexology yields the best results when the reflexologist works with dedication, patience and focused intention. 

Reflexology reduces stress and induces deep relaxation. Stress cannot be avoided. We live with it and in it everyday. When we don't handle stress well, the body's defenses break down and we become more susceptible to illness and disease. It's been estimated that over seventy-five percent of all illness is stress-related.


Reflexology reduces stress by generating deep, tranquil relaxation. Many of my clients routinely fall asleep during a reflexology session and testify on waking that the thirty or forty minutes of sleep were more beneficial and restorative than a full night of restless sleep. We all know how good it feels to lie down in the middle of a busy day.

Every part of the body is operated by messages carried back and forth along neural pathways. Stimulation of sensory nerve endings sends information to the spinal cord and brain. The brain and spinal cord send instructions to the organs and muscles. The neural pathways are both living tissue and electrical channels, and can be impinged upon or polluted by many factors. When neural pathways are impaired, nerve function is impeded - messages are delivered slowly and unreliably, or not at all, and body processes operate at less than optimum levels. The reflexologist stimulates more than 7,000 nerves when touching the feet, and encourages the opening and clearing of neural pathways. 

Reflexology improves circulation. By reducing stress and tension, reflexology allows the miles of cardiovascular vessels to conduct the flow of blood naturally and easily.


Reflexology cleanses the body of toxins and impurities. The body has built-in mechanisms for cleansing itself, mainly the lymphatic system (lymph nodes), excretory system (kidneys and colon), and integumentary system (skin, hair, and nails). If these become blocked or function improperly, toxins and waste matter build up. A healthy body is like a healthy home - you have to take the rubbish out regularly. By deepening relaxation, reflexology causes all the systems of the body to function more efficiently, including those that eliminate waste products. 

Reflexology balances the whole system. The technical term is homeostasis and it means being in a dynamic state of balance. To me it means togetherness and centredness. The thousands of parts and areas of the body, each functioning according to its own laws and purposes, together make up only one body. For the body to be healthy, everything must work together. If one part is out of sync, other parts suffer. To keep the body running harmoniously, a tune-up is often needed. As after tuning an engine, the end result is a smooth running engine, with all its parts being united. 

Reflexology revitalises energy. Energy is very personal. We all experience it in our own ways. You know when your "juices are flowing" and when they're not. Sometimes energy is exciting and invigorating; at other times it is calm and restful. We each experience our energy levels in personal and subtle ways. 


Reflexology stimulates creativity and productivity 

Very few of us can perform at our best if we are sluggish and tired. Like exercise, reflexology restores mental alertness and improves the attention span. By reducing tensions and calming the mind, we are free to think our best thoughts, come up with our best ideas, and work longer and with greater clarity at difficult tasks. 

Each session provides the quiet time so necessary to let new ideas gestate. As a pick-me-up in the middle of the day or in the late afternoon, reflexology can send you back to work or into the evening with the mental energy you need to be creative and productive. 

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